Sunday, November 24, 2013

City Exploring.

Many of you may be wondering why I am posting so much about Seattle. You may be thinking that I am crazy for being so in love with a city located in the states, I mean its not like I am in Italy or some swanky city in Europe. But honestly that's why I decided to start this blog. Its about appreciating the small "minor" moments in life. Whether I am in my hometown or half way across the globe. There is beauty in small things and moments in life. As I have been exploring the city of Seattle I have really enjoyed and appreciated every small thing I have noticed, from the tall beautiful buildings to the crazy cracked road signs etched into the streets. I love it all, and I love taking pictures and documenting it all because I never want to forget moments of what I see or do.
Today was Sunday and it has been so beautiful in Washington the last few days I have been here. Normally this state is known for its rain, but its been blue skies everyday. (Although it has been extremely freezing)
Anyway, I decided to walk down to the ocean front today so I could go into this rad pirate souvenir shop and of course check out the ocean. I walked for a little before finally making my way through the tall buildings and out into the sunny ocean side. I love the ocean, Washington's beaches are a lot different then the beaches in California or the Caribbean, its a lot more like the oceans in the north east. So I took a lot of cool photos of things I saw on my walk and would like to share them with you..


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