Friday, November 29, 2013

Giving thanks.

So Thanksgiving is over, and Black Friday is coming to a close as well. Thank heavens. I had a pretty good Thanksgiving Holiday, but unfortunately didn't document it as well as I could have...I may have only taken a couple photos. That's alright though, because I was busy trying to enjoy the Holiday. I decided I would try to make a dessert this year to bring to my Grandparents house, I found the recipe on Pinterest and thought it looked interesting and fun and wanted to try it out. This was the recipe!
Super cute right?? The recipe looked super easy and pretty doable, but unfortunately easier said then done. They turned out pretty bad, and didn't taste good at all! I was so upset! It took me two hours....and I just had to throw it all away. 
Oh well, here are some (very little) photos I took yesterday.
Pecan Pie!


My cute brother Scott, his wife Hillary and son Jude.

Love them!

With it being Black Friday, I of course took the opportunity to take advantage of the good deals going on in some of my favorite stores and honestly I just like being out during all the craziness to people watch.. I'm not crazy like some people are about waking up at 2 am or even going shopping Thanksgiving night though. That doesn't seem worth it to me at all. 
So I went shopping this morning, then went over to my brother Scott's cute house to shoot a video for a company he is working for. I absolutely adore his house and how they have decorated it. They have all their Christmas decorations up and I could not help but take pictures. Look how freaking cute!
Living space


feet and fireplace

Judes so sweet

love hanging with my nephew

naughty list.

nice list.

cute freckles!

long day.
Happy Belated Holidays everyone.

1 comment:

  1. Love you so much, CC! Your phone filter makes my house look so much cuter than in real life. :)
