1. Trench Coats
Trench can be worn in so many different ways. You can piece it with a mid length dress and some tights or of course with pants and a cute top. Trench coats keep you warm and usually are extra soft inside. There are so many cute ones all over the web. I recommend going to Nordstrom, they have a wide variety and although they may be pricey they will last you years.
Worn with a dress, and extra layering.
Go bold and get a colorful one.
2. Gloves
I am a huge fan of gloves right now...not only because being in the rainy ocean state of Washington has made me a firm believer in wearing gloves, but also because I think they are super cute and the perfect accessory to winter outfits! These are a few of my favorite looks:
3. Black Leather Jacket
Everyone needs one of these hanging in their closets...I mean it can be paired with almost anything! And it makes anyone look 10 times hotter in my opinion. When its cold out but not quite too cold, leather jackets are the way to go. They aren't too big or filled with fur that's going to make you literally to hot all day. Here are some of my favorite styles!
Doesn't have to be all black :)
4. Bright Lipstick
Fall/winter clothing tend to be more neutral then what people normally would wear in the spring and summer. So trying to match your lipstick with your outfit or making sure colors don't clash gets A LOT easier in these colder months. Wearing bright lips with your cool winter clothes adds an extra something to anybodies outfit. Here are some examples..
(This ones me).
5. Cat-eye eyeliner
Seriously the cat eye is probably one of my favorite eyeliner looks and there are so many different ways to achieve this look as well. When doing the cat eye though, I think its important to wear minimal makeup everywhere else. I believe that when you do something drastic in one area of your makeup, leave the other areas more neutral and natural.
Here are some great Winter cat-eye looks:
Hope you enjoyed my top five winter trends! Ill be definitely posting more as it gets closer to the Holidays!
Who makes the trench coat?